I have received multiple messages asking for info on kid-friendly events in Salem this October so I decided to put together a little blog post for you all. 🙂 Most of these events have been featured on my site at some point but I figured putting it all in one place might be useful. I tried to keep this broad so as to include as many age groups as possible, but of course please factor in age appropriateness as it applies to your own family.
I also have a blog post covering five family friendly restaurants in Salem which can be found HERE. I hope this helps!! <3
1. Haunted Movie Series
Check out a movie shown on the Salem Common each week through the month of October.
10/7 — Ghostbusters
10/14 — Casper
10/21 — ParaNorman
10/28 — Hocus Pocus
2. Children’s Costume Parade and Costume Party
October 18
This is part of the Wicked Wednesday series which we will get to shortly, but this event is particularly kid friendly. Check out the details HERE.
3. The Salem Trolley
Dates and times variable
The trolley is always high up on my recommendations list, regardless of age. They offer regular tours as well as their Tales and Tombstones runs through October. Check out details of Tales and Tombstones HERE and my full review HERE.
4. Live music at the Fountain Stage
Dates and times variable
Through October there is a ton of live music happening at the Fountain Stage which is located just outside the Museum Place Mall. Their schedule isn’t quite complete yet but for the info that is available at this point, click HERE.
5. The Howl-o-ween Pet Parade
October 8
Check out some of Salem’s fur babies celebrating Haunted Happenings at the pet parade. Details HERE.
6. Derby Street Carnival
Dates and times variable
This is your typical “parking lot” style carnival that runs through October. Check out details HERE.
7. Wicked Wednesdays
Wednesdays through October
Wicked Wednesdays is an initiative to bring family friendly programming into Salem through October. A master list of all events can be found HERE so be sure to check it out. Activities range from arts and crafts to family friendly ghost tours, story telling and more.
8. The Salem Flea October Markets
October 21 and 28
If browsing a local market is more your family’s speed, check out the details of the Salem Flea’s October markets HERE.
9. The Salem Common Food Court
Dates and times variable
Grab some snacks on the go and enjoy the gorgeous Salem Common while enjoying Haunted Happenings! Details HERE.
10. Candlepin Bowling
Flatbread Pizza Company recently opened candlepin bowling lanes! Grab some pizza, relax a bit and do some bowling. Details HERE.
I hope this helped. Have fun!! <3
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