Good morning everyone and happy Monday. Today’s blog post is an update about changes to the content schedule for If you are on my newsletter list then you received this info via email yesterday. If you aren’t on my list, please sign up!! Part of the info below will pertain to that newsletter list.
Updates to the content schedule for
Over the last few years, my approach to this has shifted and been adjusted as needed. When I first began my journey creating content for Things to do in Salem, I published to my blog and social media every single day. It was a lot, but I love what I do so I held that schedule for YEARS. I rarely missed a beat.
When COVID hit I shifted the blog content down to once a week. This is because the events I was sharing were being rescheduled and canceled left and right. Since then I have continued on this pattern of sharing event info as well as my own written content once a week.
Beginning on Monday May 1st this is going to change again, just slightly. Don’t worry, I am certainly not going anywhere. I am just rearranging a little bit.
The updates are as follows…
- Blog content will be published every other week, on Monday. This content will only be my own written content, sharing experiences, travel tips and advice, updates from the city as we approach the fall and more.
- Details of single events in Salem will be located on the calendar on my website. I will update this weekly and a roundup of what was added will be included in the bottom of each weekly newsletter. This is so you can quickly see at a glance what was updated on the calendar without needing to hunt for changes.
- I will continue to share new content on my social media platforms 1-3 times a week as I do now.
- Newsletters will continue to be sent weekly, on Sundays, as they are now.
Speaking of social media…
Are you following me in all of the places? There are tons these days so here is a quick rundown.
Thank you – every single one of you – for all of your constant support and for being along on this journey with me. I appreciate you more than you know. 🙂 See you soon in the next blog post.