Happy Monday everyone and welcome back to the blog. On Saturday April 20th I spent the day reading tarot at the Fiber Witch Festival here in Salem. Many of you guys know that I am a practicing Pagan and witch of 20 years and a tarot reader of 10+ years. I do mostly 1:1 tarot readings for clients however I do occasionally read at larger events and festivals. Most recently I read at an event for the Amesbury Chamber of Commerce and at a workshop with Create and Escape in Peabody. When I was asked to read at the Fiber Witch Festival of course I said yes! This is the first time this festival has happened here in Salem and based on the turn out, I am SURE it will be happening again.
Did you miss the festival but want a reading from me? No worries at all. You can book a reading from me from anywhere in the world with this link right here.
So how did the day go? Well, I got the Old Town Hall at 10:00 AM which was the load in/set up time for the tarot readers, got my table and chairs in place and began setting up. I was a little worried about the rain scaring people off, but the forecast said it would end by 12:00 or so.
I was one of three tarot readers present and we were set up on the stage on the upper floor. This was my view as I worked on getting ready and watched others prepare their tables, too.
At 11:00 AM the doors were open to the public and we had people begin to filter in. Within the first 15 minutes or so I had folks sitting for readings and wanting to sign up for reads. All three of us readers began working and got super busy right out the gate.
Look at that LINE! Folks were lined up all the way from the Old Town Hall up to Essex street and back waiting to get inside. The line looked like this for hours and at the end of the festival when we had a final count we learned that about 1500 people came through.
Busy working and giving readings. I was there for six hours (the festival was from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm) and in that time frame I did about 12 or 13 readings which meant I read for about half of that time frame. This is a good ratio of readings to resting time in between because reading tarot at events like this can be super draining. Not to mention it kills my vocal cords! I almost always leave events or festivals like this with a scratchy voice because I have been talking for hours and hours.
Overall this was a super positive experience, a great festival and I would definitely read tarot at the Fiber Witch Festival again! 🙂 I had some folks recognize me from social media and come up for a reading which was great – I always love being able to interact with my audiences and say hi.
Did you miss the festival but want a reading from me? No worries at all. You can book a reading from me from anywhere in the world with this link right here. Enjoy!! <3