things to do in salem, why you should visit salem ma by yourself at least once

I mentioned solo travel about a week ago or so when I was talking about a few lessons Salem has taught me and today I wanted to touch on that again. I can remember the first few solo trips I went on around New England and how at first, that thought made me anxious. What if I get bored? What if I feel weird going into [whatever business or attraction here] by myself? I travel with and without company fairly regularly, so this is something I got thrown right into.

Solo travel and learning to be comfortable in your own company is so important, in my opinion.

I was only about an hour into my first solo travel experience and I was already all about it. It was so liberating to be able to go and see whatever I wanted, to be able to make the trip entirely mine. I didn’t need to factor in another set of opinions or thoughts, I didn’t need to work around someone else’s schedule. I was entirely in control and that was awesome. So what are some of the reasons why I feel like everyone should visit Salem by themselves or at least travel solo somewhere once?

You can focus more on the destination and check items off your bucket list

When you’re making all of the plans yourself, you can focus entirely on where you’re going and what you want from it. Are you coming into Salem more for its role in New England’s history? Are you visiting because you’re interested in the witch trials? Maybe you just want to check it out in general? Visiting solo means you can focus on whatever angle you want to experience the most.

You can change plans at the snap of a finger

If you arrive at a particular attraction and decide you no longer want to go there, you can change your plans. You can hop off the Salem Trolley at one of the flag stop locations at the drop of a hat because you like how that area of the city looks, or you want to explore something you see. It’s easy to turn on a dime when it’s just you.

Your own rhythm

When you’re traveling on your own, you can set the pace you want. Would you rather sleep in until 10:00 am and find brunch somewhere? Or would you rather be up at 7:00 am and already in a table at the Ugly Mug Diner? Are you interested at all in visiting Salem around Halloween or does the thought of the crowds turn you off from it? You can experience and do whatever you like, at whatever pace you want when you’re on your own.

Solo travel can build confidence

If you struggle with decision making or are a little less confident, solo travel can be an awesome way to put that to rest. When you’re calling all of the shots, it’s hard to be flighty about things. You have to pick a hotel, your destinations, the restaurants you eat at. It’s okay to make decisions. You’re awesome company and Salem is a welcoming place.

Your trip is custom to you

This is one of the best parts, if you ask me. The trip is entirely custom to YOU. Don’t like the Witch Museum? Don’t go. Don’t want to go in the winter? Don’t. Want to visit during Halloween? Hell yes. You control it all, so the trip is entirely molded to your personal tastes.

Continued reading

I wrote a blog post in February that covers a few ideas of things you can do with your solo time in Salem, that can be found HERE if you’re looking for suggestions.

If you have tips of your own, feel free to leave them in the comments. Good luck and enjoy!! <3


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things to do in salem, solo travel tips, solo travel tricks, visiting salem ma by yourself

  1. Merry Christmas….keep up the great writings

    1. Thank you and merry Christmas to you too!

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