Parking in Salem can be chaotic this time of year and I’ve been seeing this question asked in my Facebook group almost daily. Today I wanted to share just a few fast tips if you’re planning on taking your car into the city. Feel free to share your own tips below in the comments if you have any!
Use Passport Parking to pay on the go
Many lots around Salem are set up on Passport Parking which is an app on your phone. Download it, make an account, connect a credit card to it and you can pay on the go. Make note of your zone number (posted on the kiosk in the lot) and search it in the app.
Get into Salem early and then don’t move the car
Get in early and don’t move from your spot unless you really have to. Chances are, it will be really difficult to find another.
Have a back up (or two) in mind
If you can’t land a parking space in the lot you wanted, I’d suggest having a back up or two in mind. I’d also roughly know where the back up lots are in relation to each other so you can navigate over to them without getting lost.
Make note of rate changes
Prices may change based on peak season, so be sure to know what you’re signing up for. Two of Salem’s garages are currently more expensive than normal due to rate increases. It would suck to get hit with a larger parking fee than you were expecting, so just be aware of what you’re signing up for.
Check out www.parkinginsalem.com
If you need more information on lots, rates, garages, passes, maps of where you can park etc. I’d suggest checking out ParkinginSalem.com. It’s super helpful!
Good luck and enjoy!! <3
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